Kidney Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment in San Antonio, TX

Kidney cancer is also known as renal cancer or renal cell carcinoma. The cancerous cells tend to begin in the tiny tubes of the kidney.  In most cases, kidney cancer is found before it is able to spread.

8 Risk Factors of Kidney Cancer

  • Over the age of 50
  • Smoker
  • Male
  • Obese
  • Having advanced kidney disease
  • A family history of kidney cancer
  • High blood pressure
  • African American

Keep in mind that having these risk factors does not mean that any of them will certainly cause kidney cancer on their own, they just increase the person’s chances of developing problems in the kidneys. However, if you can mitigate some of these risk factors, you can greatly reduce your chances of getting kidney cancer. These proactive prevention strategies can include losing weight, quitting smoking, and reducing your blood pressure. Making these alterations to your lifestyle can also reduce your risk for a number of other health concerns, including heart disease, diabetes, and other cancers. 

Symptoms of Renal Cell Carcinoma

It is important to note that these symptoms do not necessarily mean a person does in fact have kidney cancer, but if you are experiencing any of these symptoms and also fit into a few of the risk factors discussed above, consult with a specialist right away about scheduling a screening. 

  • Blood in the urine
  • Abdominal mass
  • Back or flank pain
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Low blood cell counts (anemia)
  • Symptoms of metastases (secondary malignant growths that begin to grow away from the primary site of cancer)
  • Fever
  • High calcium levels in the blood
  • High blood cell counts

Diagnostic Testing for Kidney Cancer

First, Dr. Thompson, Dr. James, or Dr. Barney will conduct a physical exam and discuss the patient’s medical history and current symptoms with them directly. If your doctor feels that further testing is warranted, they may refer you to a radiologist to complete a CT scan, PET scan, MRI, or ultrasound. Other exams can also include a biopsy and blood test among a few others. Make sure you discuss your diagnostic options and preferences with your doctor.

Treatment for Kidney Cancer

For many patients who are diagnosed with kidney cancer, surgery may be the treatment of choice. In some instances, partial nephrectomy or radical nephrectomy may be recommended. Often, these surgeries can be performed laparoscopically, possibly with robotic surgery. Each case is very unique, so patients will need to consult with Dr. Thompson, Dr. James, or Dr. Barney  about all available treatment options and which method will be best for them specifically. 

If you have more questions about kidney cancer, or believe that you may be at risk, consult with a specialist at South Texas Urology Group today by calling (210) 267-1709 to schedule an appointment.