When there is difficulty getting and/or keeping an erection long enough for sex, the suspect is erectile dysfunction. When everything is working right, erections can come and go without a thought. You never think about everything that has to go “right” to get and keep one.
There happen to be multiple parts of your body and mind that have to be in sync. With occasional ED or if it becomes more common, suddenly you need to become aware of “what parts” need to be in sync. Contacting South Texas Urology Group for an appointment in San Antonio, TX is your first step toward getting the answers.
The causes of ED can be due to physical issues, mental/psychological issues, or emotional problems.
Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosis: The Physical Test
Your urologist will begin by taking your medical history and asking lots of questions.
Blood tests and a physical exam will indicate any physical issues that can cause ED like the following:
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Obesity
- Kidney disease
- Low testosterone
Any of these can contribute to erectile dysfunction. If one or more is identified, our board-certified urologists may recommend treatment guided by your primary care doctor. Several of these physical problems can affect blood flow throughout your body. This, in turn, can be a significant cause of ED.
Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosis: Emotional and Mental Issues
Depression, stress, and anxiety can contribute to erectile dysfunction, as well as the medications used to treat these conditions.
South Texas Urology Group may recommend a psychological screening test for depression or anxiety, relationship counseling, etc.
Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosis: Other Risk Factors
Smoking, drinking to excess, lack of exercise, and use of recreational drugs can also contribute to ED. Being over the age of 50 can be a contributing factor, but men in their 80s can still have a satisfactory sex life.
There may not be only one cause of ED, but a combination of factors.
Getting a thorough evaluation from a urologist like South Texas Urology Group in San Antonio, TX will help pinpoint the cause and provide direction on which treatment option is best for you.
Schedule an Erectile Dysfunction Appointment in San Antonio, TX
Contact our board-certified urologists at (210) 267-1709 to schedule an appointment at our urology clinics in San Antonio, TX for tests and treatment if you are experiencing symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
ED Tests: (Blood, Rigidity) Used By Urologists to Diagnose Erectile Dysfunction (webmd.com)
Erectile dysfunction – Diagnosis and treatment – Mayo Clinic